Meeting with the symphonic orchestra (07.11.2013)
We would like to invite everyone to the Łódź Archcathedral for a meeting with the orchestra, which will take place on the 17th of November at 20:00 hrs. Purpose of the meeting is to increase social awareness of the orchestra itself: what the word "orchestra" should be associated with and how does a symphonic orchestra look like. The meeting will be led by Marcin Werner - conductor, composer and a pianist, and the time of the meeting will also be filled with sound of the "Symphonix Ensemble" Symphonic Orchestra performing known pieces from both classical and film music. This is an extraordinary cultural event, it is good to take part in. See you there!
Marcin Werner
Artistic Director
Back to work again! (09.09.2013)
After a holiday break we are back with new energy and ideas. Yesterday's concert in Andrzejów was the beginning of our new artistic season. With this in mind I would like to welcome everyone with some new photos and a recording of Summertime, with participation of Emillia Kudra. We are open to new concert propositions and more. We will keep you posted about the newest events having to do with the orchestra. See you later!
Marcin Werner
Artistic Director
Many thanks for the next year! (05.07.2013)
On behalf of the entire orchestra I would like to thank all our fans and listeners for their assistance in creation of this magnificent project devoted to music for the last 10 months. I would also like to thank both our classical and jazz soloists as well as part-time musicians for all the effort in this previous artistic season 2012/2013. And now from myself...
I thank the orchestra members, which dutyfully attended all rehearsals (in spite of having their own, frequently complicated plans), practiced the material, and worked for the orchestra and those, that made my skin crawl and naturaly increased my blood pressure, for a wonderful year full of common experiences, thoughts and adventures. I hope the next artistic season will be equally as good as the previous one, and perhaps even better. I wish you all a successful realization of your greatest dreams as well as satisfaction and fulfillment in both your professional and private lives.
Your conductor,
Marcin Werner
New recordings on our website!
We invite you to listen to our new tracks in the "Recordings" section, placed under title "Jazz music". There you can find the following tracks: In the mood, from the repertoir of Glenn Miller and Cheek to cheek, from the repertoir of Frank Sinatra. These tracks, as well as the "Pink Panther" film theme by Henry Mancini, were recorded thanks to the courtesy of Mr Andrzej Bakalarz, president of the "Linexim - Fabric Company", in a studio on Lodowa Street (inside the plant). We thank you very much for all your help and support :) There are still two tracks remaining to be released - Summertime and Sing sing sing, which will also be placed on our website shortly. We therefore encourage you to keep track of our activities!
After a long period of inactivity caused by rebuilding of the portal (for which I apologise all our fans) our site is back online. A few important changes to the site were made and new functionalities were added. I will describe them below briefly:
1. From now on news will be posted directly on our site without utilizing facebook. Of course you can still follow us on our facebook fanpage.
2. Photo gallery will also be updated directly on our website in addition to facebook (our photos were available on facebook only up until now).
3. Videos hosted on YouTube will be placed on our site (you don't need to go to YouTube to watch them).
4. A forum was added - this way you can discuss the orchestra as well as other music-related topics.
5. It is also possible to subscribe to our mailing list. Thanks to it you will receive fresh, up-to-date news about our concerts and other events we take part in.
I hope these enhancements will encourage you to frequently visit our site. Our site will be more dynamic, active and regularly updated. Therefore I invite you to come in and take a peek at our activities. Greetings!
Marcin Werner
Artistic Director